Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Current Update

To all of our friends and family, I would like to thank you personally for your continued prayers, calls, notes, emails and support for our family. We have also been blessed with such good physical and occupational therapists that have been able to come to our home and help with David - especially teaching us about equipment we had no idea existed that would help David be so much safer. And thanks to Amy and her generosity, we now have that equipment for him and it all has made a difference!!
The past few days have been especially difficult for us. David has been falling on a regular basis the last few weeks and we have been trying to not only prevent those falls, but hoping to also prevent any serious damage to himself if he does fall. Sunday was a very difficult day. Amy, Abbie and I took David to Church, but he was extremely weak and it was only through the 3 of us holding him up that we got him and out.
But yesterday, while I was getting ready for work, David took a bad fall trying to go to the bathroom. He cut his head on a chair in front of the sink and fell flat on his back and cracked a hole in the bathroom cabinet door. Amy was able to get him up enough to get him into the chair. The cut was pretty superficial, but the bump left quite a knot on the back of his head. We had his primary care doctor check it out and he was cleared of any stitches or serious damage. Later that day he fell again, but last night David had another stroke that nearly paralyzed his right side. He was unable to speak clearly, use his right arm and he could barely drag his right foot. It was a scary thing to watch for Amy and myself. I could tell David was trying to fight through it, but there wasn't much he could do. He is unable to walk at all without help and it takes both of us to get him to the bathroom. This morning, he is speaking a little better and seems a little stronger, but not much.
Needless to say, he is now pretty much bedridden and after talking to his oncologist this morning, David will now be put on hospice care - which is a good thing in that it will open up a lot of services that will help us take better care of him. Of course, the bad thing is that chemotherapy and any other cancer treatments will not be continued and the disease will be left to run its course. The ironic thing is that the doctors don't believe the cancer is causing the strokes - it has been stable since the surgery/radiation treatments last Spring.
So that is the status as of today. David is not in any physical pain, which is such a blessing, and I'm not sure he understands all that is going on because of the questions he keeps asking, but we are trying to keep him safe and keep him comfortable. Please remember him in your thoughts and prayers. We truly do feel your support.
Love to all of you...


  1. Thanks for the update. We've been thinking about you. Let us know if we can do anything.

  2. Thanks so much for the report Janis. I had a nice visit with Dave today. This was the first time visiting since your move. We keep Dave in our prayers each day and in our hearts always. I hope his days are a little better as he gets into hospice. Thanks to Amy and the entire Smith clan for all the help and dedication.

    uncy russ

  3. cris (greer) johnsonDecember 6, 2011 at 6:14 PM

    I'm thinking of you and you are all in our prayers. I love you guys!

    Cris (Greer) Johnson

  4. Janis, this Claudia Cole. I would love to talk with you when you are able. I know that your time must be limited, but please know that I haven't been able to stop thinking of you and your family. My email address is shurfill@gmail.com. Email me ur phone # and I will call you. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Love, Claudia

  5. Our hearts our prayers are with you, Smith Family.
    Love, The Chuck Chamberlain Family

  6. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. We love you all. If we can do anything, please let us know. We can come and stay with David, or whatever you need. Love, Jenny & Lou
